Sunday, April 13, 2008

Lesson 7 - Utilizing the key tool to generate keys

Utilizing the key tool to generate keys

In this, we are using the same movement what we used on the Previous lesson (lesson-6), the only thing here is we removed the inbetween. So the First and Last movemtent is there and we have to add inbetween.

what it does is 'All Manipulator Handles and Keyable Attributes'. If you press 'S' key on the keyboard or 'Apply' on the Set key options. It basically takes everything (all the attribute) and set a Key based on that.

As soon as you turned on 'All Keyable Attributes', you can see the below section on the options is turned on..


Selected: It select only that object.

Below: is set Keys on all child objects of your selected object


All keyable: set keys on all of our attribute

Control points: you can also set keys on control points on your object

Shapes: Any Attributes on shape note

From Channel Box: You can specify what keys you want to set by whatever we set on the channel box

this option used for:

'Shift W' - Key the 'Translate' Attribute

'Shift E' - for 'Rotation' Attribute

'Shift R' - for 'Scale' Attributes

'Current Manipulator Handle'

Current time

Suppose when you adjust the 'Z' handle on the Scale tool, and apply. It automatically update on the Channel box.

so We will keep these settings and continue further

-'All Keyable Attributes

-Set keys at: Prompt

-Hierarchy: Selected

-Channels: From Channel Box

and Apply.

Notice there's a 'pop up' box opens, 'Set Key'. It basically tells like where to set the keys.

Ex: Our animation from Frame 1 and frame 30, the translate Y are set to '0', so that we can get the arc when we move upward 'translate Y' on Frame 15.

So knowing that, we want to maintain the value of '0' for our 'translate Y' for frme 1 and 30.

what we can do here is, on the dialogue box type 1, 30. It takes the Same value of the translate Y and basically duplicate them on the frames we have specified on this dialogue window.

now we hit 'OK'.

The key has been set on 'Translate Y'.

Notice, if we bring the cursor to frame 15 and move the ship upward.. and hit Play.

Notice that we able to get the arc, from frame 1 to frame 30.

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