Here is frame 1 to 30 a smooth animation, Lets say we want to give some slow out movement in the start.
Select the Translate X and go to frame 10 and set a key in the channel box, Notice the bend on the F-curve. Now if we see the animation we got some change, but lets say we have to tweak even better. And heres where the 'Weighted Tangent' comes in.
We have to select the curve before we apply 'weighted tangent'.
You can add it by default to the In and Out Tangent curves in the Animation Preference.
Whatever attribute we selected on the Graph Editor Outliner and Apply 'Weighted tangent', it gets apply to the whole curve.
Select the Attribute and Go to Curves > Weighted Tangents.
Watch what happen once you select the keyframe. Out tangent handle is increased in size, this tell us that 'weighted tangents' is applied. You can move the handle its works in the same way as the regular tangent handles.
Now that we have selected the keys, we need to move the tangent freely to do the adjustment, for that go to Keys > Free Tangent Weight. Notice the handle in the end, it has opened. That tells us now we have 'Free tangent weight'.
Notice we are able to move the F-curve freely without adding any extra keys. This feature is very useful for Hold in the animation.
Hold shift + middle mouse to drag, we can constrain our movement 'horizontally'.
Because of the constrain in our tangent handle, if you move one side even the other side takes effect, to break that use 'Break Tangents' (Keys > Break Tangents).
Watch the Color change..
Select the left side (which you don't want to take effect) and hold the shift + Middle mouse button and drag. and notice what happens to the F-curve.
You don't want too many free tangents on your tangent handle.
Select the key and go to Keys > Lock Tangent Weight. Watch the end of the tangent handle, its locked .
If you want to weighted tangent all together go to Curves > Non-Weighted Tangents, Notice the handle it goes right backs to its default position.
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