Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lesson 5 - Various Ways We Can Set KeyFrame

If you move the cursor on the time line anywhere, there's not much happens and the ball remains on the same position where you left, and we can't get any transition.

Lets go back to frame 1

And if you want to move from A to C in a Translate Z axis as an animation sequence!.

Then Go to channel box right click on the Translate Z and say 'Key Selected'

The first key frame is set, that means all the way to the end the ball is set at one position, unless you set an another key in another position.

Lets create a inbetween, between A and C, and we move the ball to B position on frame no 15.

Now we have three Keys in a timeline, But will the animation work!!

When you move the time slider from frame 1 to frame 30 it goes in a straight line, because we have to set the key again for frame 1 and frame 30.

Go to frame 1 and move the ball down.

We have to set the keyframe for frame 30 too.

Muting Animation

Muting Cancels an axis movement temporarely.

We are moving from A to C, just say we want to move only up and down just to study the animation of 'Y' movement and not get distracted by the 'Z'.
Right Click on the channel box say 'Mute Selected' on Translate Z.

If you want to bring it to normal go to 'UnMute Selected'.


SHIFT + W - it will Key all of the Translate Attributes.

SHIFT + E - it will Key all of your Rotate Attributes.

SHIFT + R - it will Key all of your Scale Attributes.

Sometimes you want to Key only one Attributes, sometimes you don't want all of these keys to take up so much resource of your scene, It avoid clutter within a scene.

If you want to clean it up attributes which you have not Keyed in, just select the unwanted attributes

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